Monday, March 8, 2010

" Neglected Gold"

Twenty five million in Gold ! Twenty five million in pure Gold! What would you do with Twenty five million dollars worth of Gold??????? Would you buy mansions? Take a trip around the world first class? Would you pay off all your debts? buy luxury cars? a fleet of aircrafts? expensive art? Would you give to charities and bulid schools, hospitals and orphanages for the less fortunate? The list of options could continue i'm sure, but here's the shocking truth, you already the GOLD, it's within you and the only question left is are you willing to DIG for it?

You are your GOLD. You are your imeasurable wealth. Within you is the power to become your own industry,your own unique empire. You have the power to provide to the world what it has NEVER seen before and never will see again.
So many people search their whole life looking EVERYWHERE for what they always think is someplace else or in SOMEONE else and leave the GOLDMINE that they 'are' UNATTENDED to. That doesn't have to be YOU.

Start digging into yourself. Start tapping into your inner wealth, start excavating the preciousness of your original you and enjoy all of the bounty that that not even GOLD by itself could ever afford.

Remember...."Your future is BRIGHTER than it's ever been and not even the sky has to be your limit"

Broderick 'THe' Empowertainer

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