Friday, October 16, 2009

" Beautiful Pain"

"Beautiful Pain"

The sick part of all of this is that I personally like PAIN. It's invigorating,exciting and dangerous! The trick for me is to be in control of the PAIN. See I don't mind a little PAIN,but if it continues beyond my desire or threshold of toleration then it becomes a problem. I wonder is there anyone out there that can understand me??

Pain interestingly enough is a signal that you are still connected to life. Dead people don't have headaches, backaches,toothaches or anything of the sort.

To experience LIFE to any real level of quality you have to be willing to endure some PAIN, some discomfort, some inconveniences, some disappointments,some setbacks,some betrayals,some losses and some seemingly overwhelming odds. It's all a part of the process of what makes LIFE complete and it also helps remind us of our need to be sensetive to the PAIN, misfortune,loss and failure of others.

Don't live your LIFE trying to run from PAIN, learn how to embrace it for ALL that it's purposed to be worth. It's then and only then that you will be able to say with seasoned assurity....PAIN, you're Beautiful !!!!

Remember... "Your FUTURE is BRIGHTER than it's ever been and not even the SKY has to be your LIMIT"

--Broderick 'The' Empowertainer--

Thursday, September 3, 2009

" Are You Serious? "

" The less SERIOUS you are about your OWN success, the MORE dependent you become upon what others believe it is"

--Broderick 'The' Empowertainer--(copyright 2009)

How successful do you really want to be? Do you even know what being successful is? The truth of your articulation will be seen in the diligence of your application.

Success requires a clear definition. Success is after all determined by your IMAGINATION and whatever the rules are in the realm of what you are pursuing or desiring. What success is for one individual may be total failure in the mind of someone else .So i ask you, are you serious about you and your SUCCESS? Are you conscious as to the depth,weight and severity connected to what you believe that you are purposed to go after??

Knowing what SUCCESS for you is empowers you to protect yourself from things, events and people that would otherwise derail you from it. SUCCESS sometimes seems to change clothes so the question is, can you identify SUCCESS when it's naked or when you're totally in the dark????

The process that leads to the achievement of success is seldom as sweet as its' fruit so if you're just along for the ride or a good time then you'll never arrive to where you thought you were going.
If you want to truely have SUCCESS and be SUCCESSFUL then you must SERIOUSLY commit yourself to learning, working, sacrificing,sweating,giving and going the extra mile even when you feel as though there's nothing left in your tank. Remember this...SUCCESSS isn't a place, it's a mindstyle of pursuit...

SUCCESS! it's a wonderful thing, it's awesome to behold and to experience. It can bring with it money, fame, status, girls, guys, houses,jewelery ,cars, planes and pretty much anything your heart could desire. It can also bring headaches, heartaches,stress, the loss of real friendships, the abundance of false so called friends,pride, violence and even death,!!!! SO, you SAY you want to be SUCCESSFUL.... and I ask you....ARE YOU SERIOUS?????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!

" Your future is brighter than its' ever been and not even the sky has to be your limit"

--Broderick 'The' Empowertainer--(copyright 2009)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

" You Gotta Believe!!! "

What do YOU believe? do you BELIEVE? What is BELIEVING? I BELIEVE that these are some of the most vital and important questions that you could ever consider!!!

First of all let's be clear on the definition of the word. Random House Dictionary which is the one that I rely on frequently offers this description...Believe- (to accept as true or real,to have confidence in, to rely upon, to be deemed as worthy to be depended upon.)

Now that we have established an understanding of what it is, I ask you again...what do you BELIEVE? what do you accept as true or real? What do you put CONFIDENCE in? What do you RELY on? Be very HONEST with YOURSELF because the quality of your life or the lack thereof rests upon the foundation of this principle.

For our purposes today i am only going to cover (3) 'Belief Power Principles', more to come at a later date.

Belief Power Principle # 1

* What you BELIEVE (accept as true or real) determines the strength of your confidence in YOURSELF.*
If you know that YOU don't really believe in YOU, you're gonna have major problems believing in anything else. When you DO believe in YOU, and rely on YOU, and accept yourself as genuine,true and worthy to be depended upon YOU then have unlimited POWER to positively impact your life, your dreams and your goals.

Belief Power Principle # 2

*What you BELIEVE(deem worthy to be depended upon) empowers you to attract to you the people and tools that you need to achieve your DREAMS*

Dreams don't come true JUST because you have them. Your dreams require strategic resources and connections. There are people with resources, skills and connections that will be drawn to you when they see and hear that you BELIEVE (rely/trust) in you and what you are purposed to accomplish. When you think life and speak life to and act on your purposed dreams and visions, it sends out signals that you can't even see or hear with your natural eyes and ears that summon every supply that you will ever need.

Belief Power Principle # 3

* What you BELIEVE (put the full weight of your purposed expectation upon) will sustain you in the midst of whatever adversity you face*

Trouble is always attracted to anyone that is attempting forward progress.,but when you refuse to be overwhelmed by avdersity, you will be empowered to overcome it. You will only be able to withstand trouble,tests and trauma IF you BELIEVE (have unshakeable confide-ence) in what you are purposed for.

Your LIFE from this very second can begin to become the LIFE that you've always thought you should have in the most AWESOME and INCREDIBLE way. The best is waiting to release to you all the supplies that it has, BUT...............................YOU GOTTA BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember this..." Your future is brighter than it's ever been and not even the sky has to be your limit"

--Broderick 'The' Empowertainer--(copyright 2009)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

" I wasn't born JUST to Survive"

I have to tell you up front that i am NOT impressed with just being on the planet. I am NOT grateful JUST to wake up every morning and see a brand new day.Furthermore I am not and will never be satisfied with whatever life parcels out to me, why? because I wasn't born JUST to survive!

Now don't get me wrong. I appreciate life. I am excited about being in this wonderful world,but i refuse to be here without a passionate, vehement and agressive pursuit of WHY I AM HERE!!!
I have within me a fire that is burning to continually discover the power and wonder of my cause, reason and intention for my LIFE. There are things that have happened in my life as well as things that WILL happen in my life that may not be as pleasant or desirable, BUT i will endevor not to let those things detain, derail or deter me from becoming all that i've been purposed to be.

I'm on a PURPOSED assignment in my life and I am thrilled about that assignment. I don't look down on others who haven't realized what their purposed assignment is...yet! As a matter of fact i'm sort of glad that i'll be used to help make them aware of it!

We,ve ALL been through some situations in life that have been hurtful and undesirable to say the least and there are two ways that we can respond. We can allow ourselves to be 'victimized' or we can make the choice to become 'victorized'. I don't know about you, but VICTORY is a much better fit for my LIFESIZE.

If you're not satisfied with the way things are then make a declaration today "No more surviving, it's time to LIVE my Intended LIFE!!!!!

--Broderick 'The' Empowertainer--(copyright 2009)